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Message Manager Site

wakatime Code style: black

Website for the Message Manager Discord Bot located at


Use node version 16.7

  1. Install requirements: yarn install -D
  2. Run yarn dev


Message Manager is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License
Here is a simplified version


Privacy policy for both the bot and website is available in the bot's repo

Rundown of files / folders

.github/ - CI and other github config files app/

  • entry.client.tsx - the entry point for JS running on the client
  • entry.sever.tsx - entry for JS running on the server
  • root.tsx - wraps all components and pages
  • routes/ - contains the route components
  • routes/docs - contains MDX files for the docs - this is parsed by the mdx compiler
  • styles/ - contains a placeholder for tailwindcss to fill
  • components/ - components that are not routes functions/ - generated by remix public/ - non JS assets that are exposed (eg images, videos) styles/app.css - defines what tailwindcss should generate remix.config.js - remix config remix.env.d.ts - typescript support for remix (autogenerated) server.js - cloudflare workers entrypoint (autogenerated) tailwind.config.js - tailwind config (tailwind is css class provider)